San Diego’s only online directory
featuring women-owned businesses

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Goods or Service

Our owners represent ALL industries and professions

Women-Owned Businesses

Use options to sort by ownership models – not all women-owned business models look alike. There are full ownership stakes, partnerships, and family owned businesses.

Leading by example, we are inclusive. Our WOW Ally membership is available to any business, regardless of ownership structure or desire to keep their ownership model private.

A very special thank you goes to our Charter Members, the first 50 businesses to join the Directory. We are grateful and proud these businesses and professionals chose to support the WOW – San Diego Directory. In return, please consider supporting them, and our other members, when shopping for goods and services.

Other Characteristics

Our owners represent ALL industries and professions including trades (building, mechanical, industrial, medical), retail, services, food & beverage, hospitality, health & wellness, financial, technical, real estate, arts & creatives, legal, and much, much more

Goods or Services?

Our owners represent ALL industries and professions including trades (building, mechanical, industrial, medical), retail, services, food & beverage, hospitality, health & wellness, financial, technical, real estate, arts & creatives, legal, and much, much more

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