Curated Listing


Add a Curated Listing to the We will build out your initial listing for you with our Curated Listing service.

How it works:

  • You’ll send us any marketing and promotional materials you have (if any)
  • We’ll use those materials and all current online resources we can find to create your listing
  • We send you a preview for your feedback and schedule a 15-30 minute in-person virtual consultation to discuss edits
  • You provide final approval before your listing is activated
  • Curating listings receive up to four (4) modifications within the first 30 days of activation
  • Additional updates and maintenance of your listing belongs to you, or you can purchase additional support services if/when you need


We will build out your initial listing for you with our Curated Listing service.

How it works:

  • You’ll send us any marketing and promotional materials you have (if any)
  • We’ll use those materials and all current online resources we can find to create your listing
  • We send you a preview for your feedback and schedule a 15-30 minute in-person virtual consultation to discuss edits
  • You provide final approval before your listing is activated
  • Curating listings receive up to four (4) modifications within the first 30 days of activation
  • Additional updates and maintenance of your listing belongs to you, or you can purchase additional support services if/when you need


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Please enter your username or email address, you will receive a link to create a new password via email.